第8部分(第3/7 頁)
ographical for amodest person to publish in his life…time; will readily be excusedin a gentleman who writes from beyond the grave。 Peace be with all theworld! My blessing on my friends! My forgiveness to my enemies! ForI am in the realm of quiet! The life of the Custom…House lies like a dream behind me。 The oldInspector… who; by…the…bye; I regret to say; was overthrown and killedby a horse; some time ago; else he would certainly have lived forever…he; and all those other venerable personages who sat with him at thereceipt of custom; are but shadows in my view; white…headed andwrinkled images; which my fancy used to sport with; and has nowflung aside forever。 The merchants… Pingree; Phillips; Shepard; Upton;Kimball; Bertram; Hunt… these; and many other names; which had sucha classic familiarity for my ear six months ago… these men of traffic;who seemed to occupy so important a position in the world… howlittle time has it required to disconnect me from them all; not merelyin act; but recollection! It is with an effort that I recall thefigures and appellations of these few。 Soon; likewise; my old nativetown will loom upon me through the haze of memory; a mist broodingover and around it; as if it were no portion of the real earth; but anovergrown village in cloudland; with only imaginary inhabitants topeople its wooden houses; and walk its homely lanes; and theunpicturesque prolixity of its main street。 Henceforth; it ceases tobe a reality of my life; I am a citizen of somewhere else。 My goodtownspeople will not much regret me; for… though it has been as dearan object as any; in my literary efforts; to be of some importancein their eyes; and to win myself a pleasant memory in this abode andburial…place of so many of my forefathers… there has never been; forme; the general