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he was conscious of a shelter in the presence of thesethousand witnesses。 It was better to stand thus; with so manybetwixt him and her; than to greet him; face to face; they twoalone。 She fled for refuge; as it were; to the public exposure; anddreaded the moment when its protection should be withdrawn from her。Involved in these thoughts; she scarcely heard a voice behind her;until it had repeated her name more than once; in a loud and solemntone; audible to the whole multitude。 〃Hearken unto me; Hester Prynne!〃 said the voice。 It has already been noticed; that directly over the platform onwhich Hester Prynne stood was a kind of balcony; or open gallery;appended to the meeting…house。 It was the place whence proclamationswere wont to be made; amidst an assemblage of the magistracy; with allthe ceremonial that attended such public observances in those days。Here; to witness the scene which we are describing; sat GovernorBellingham himself; with four sergeants about his chair; bearinghalberds; as a guard of honour。 He wore a dark feather in his hat; aborder of embroidery on his cloak; and a black velvet tunic beneath; agentleman advanced in years; with a hard experience written in hiswrinkles。 He was not ill fitted to be the head and representative of amunity; which owed its origin and progress; and its present stateof development; not to the impulses of youth; but to the stern andtempered energies of manhood; and the sombre sagacity of age;acplishing so much; precisely because it imagined and hoped solittle。 The other eminent characters; by whom the chief ruler wassurrounded; were distinguished by a dignity of mien; belonging to aperiod when the forms of authority were felt to possess the sacrednessof Divine institutions。 They were; doubtless; good men; just; andsage。 But