第8部分(第2/7 頁)
and be drowned。 What a terrible misfortune! Poor people; to lose their
only son! It is really too dreadful! I shall never get over it。〃
〃But they have not lost their only son;〃 said the Roman Candle; 〃no
misfortune has happened to them at all。〃
〃I never said that they had;〃 replied the Rocket; 〃I said that they might。
If they had lost their only son there would be no use in saying anything
more about the matter。 I hate people who cry over spilt milk。 But when
I think that they might lose their only son; I certainly am very much
〃You certainly are!〃 cried the Bengal Light。 〃In fact; you are the
most affected person I ever met。〃
〃You are the rudest person I ever met;〃 said the Rocket; 〃and you
cannot understand my friendship for the Prince。〃
〃Why; you don't even know him;〃 growled the Roman Candle。
〃I never said I knew him;〃 answered the Rocket。 〃I dare say that if I
knew him I should not be his friend at all。 It is a very dangerous thing to
know one's friends。〃 〃You had really better keep yourself dry;〃 said the
Fire…balloon。 〃That is the important thing。〃
〃Very important for you; I have no doubt;〃 answered the Rocket; 〃but I
shall weep if I choose〃; and he actually burst into real tears; which flowed
down his stick like rain…drops; and nearly drowned two little beetles; who
were just thinking of setting up house together; and were looking for a
The Happy Prince and Other Tales
nice dry spot to live in。
〃He must have a truly romantic nature;〃 said the Catherine Wheel; 〃for
he weeps when there is nothing at all to weep about〃; and she heaved a
deep sigh; and tho