首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 綠裡奇蹟(英文版) > 第1部分

第1部分(第6/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 家有邪神初長成大夢歸離之我命由我不由天籃球夢之揮手之間我的番茄日常修仙,全能之神是器修一班小師弟病弱幼崽?不,是世界天災!世界第一天才神奇寶貝:神奧開始【後續】快穿:戲精大佬又去拯救男主啦快穿之攻略了男二怎麼辦韓隊點名要你,刑警新星別想走掙脫綠空變身失落公主,我在新手村賣核彈海島求生:我能召喚海賊人物獲得槍神祝福的我,竟變成了女生全點悟性?當然要學遍天下武學火影:系統認錯主角後我覺醒了!傾盡天下攜手山河乒乓:師承張藏獒續寫國乒榮耀歐希樂斯的日記

actually care … a little…about the creatures of one's imagination。

In any case; I've decided to publish The Green Mile in a series of small paperbacks; in the nieenthcentury manner; and I hope you'll write and tell me (a) if you liked the story; and (b) if you liked the seldom used but rather amusing delivery system。 It has certainly energized the writing of the story; although at this moment (a rainy evening in October of 1995) it is still far from done; even in rough draft; and the oute remains in some doubt。 That is part of the excitement of the whole thing; though…at this point I'm driving through thick fog with the pedal all the way to the metal。

Most of all; I want to say that if you have even half as much fun reading this as I did writing it; we'll both be well off。 Enjoy 。。。 and why not read this aloud; with a friend? If nothing else; it will shorten the time until the next installment appears on your newsstand or in your local bookstore。

In the meantime; take care; and be good to one another。

Stephen King

Part One:

The Two Dead Girls


This happened in 1932; when the state penitentiary was still at Cold Mountain。 And the electric chair was there; too; of course。

The inmates made jokes about the chair; the way people always make jokes about things that frighten them but can't be gotten away from。 They called it Old Sparky; or the Big Juicy。 They made cracks about the power bill; and how Warden Moores would cook his Thanksgiving dinner that fall; with his wife; Melinda; too sick to cook。

But for the ones who actually had to sit down in that chair; the humor went out of the situation in a hurry。 I presided over seventy…eight executions during my time at Cold Mountain (that's one figure I've nev


為君愛與時光經年不遇絕命遊戲主動快樂噬魂天下放過地球吧他還是個孩子[綜影] 作者:衿夜