第37部分(第5/7 頁)
yes: better that Anderson hear stupid mistake than on purpose。 And besides; whatever was said down here in the tunnel didn't matter。 What mattered; what always matters to the Percy Wetmores of the world; is what gets written down or overheard by the big bugs … the people who matter。 What matters to the Percys of the world is how it plays in the newspapers。
Anderson looked at the five of us uncertainly。 He even looked at Del; but Del wasn't talking。 〃I guess it could be worse;〃 Anderson said。
〃That's right;〃 I agreed。 〃He could still be alive。〃
Curtis blinked … that possibility seemed not to have crossed his mind。 〃I want a plete report about this on my desk tomorrow;〃 he said。 〃And none of you are going to talk to Warden Moores about it until I've had my chance。 Are you?〃
We shook our heads vehemently。 If Curtis Anderson wanted to tell the warden; why; that was fine by us。
〃If none of those asshole scribblers put it in their papers …〃
〃They won't;〃 I said。 〃If they tried; their editors'd kill it。 Too gruesome for a family audience。 But they won't even try … they were all vets tonight。 Sometimes things go wrong; that's all。 They know it as well as we do。〃
Anderson considered a moment longer; then nodded。 He turned his attention to Percy; an expression of disgust on his usually pleasant face。 〃You're a little asshole;〃 he said; 〃and I don't like you a bit。〃 He nodded at Percy's look of flabbergasted surprise。 〃If you tell any of your candy…ass friends I said that; I'll deny it until Aunt Rhody's old gray goose es back to life; and these men will back me up。 You've got a problem; son。〃
He turned and started up the stairs。 I let him get four steps and then said: 〃Curtis?〃
He turned back; eyebrows raised; saying