第35部分(第6/7 頁)
ure。 All of us have; but the only time in all my years that I actually felt it happen to me was on that new and thunderstruck morning in October of 1932; at about ten seconds past midnight。 It wasn't the look of poison triumph on Percy Wetmore's face as he stepped away from the capped; clamped; and hooded figure sitting there in Old Sparky; it was what I should have seen and didn't。 There was no water running down Del's cheeks from out of the cap。 That was when I finally got it。
〃Edward Delacroix;〃 Percy was saying; 〃electricity shall now be passed through your body until you are dead; according to state law。〃
I looked over at Brutal in an agony that made my urinary infection seem like a bumped finger The sponge is dry! I mouthed at him; but he only shook his head; not understanding; and looked back at the mask over the Frenchman's face; where the man's last few breaths were pulling the black silk in and then blousing it out again。
I reached for Percy's elbow and he stepped away from me; giving me a flat look as he did so。 It was only a momentary glance; but it told me everything。 Later he would tell his lies and his half…truths; and most would be believed by the people who mattered; but I knew a different story。 Percy was a good student when he was doing something he cared about; we'd found that out at the rehearsals; and he had listened carefully when Jack Van Hay explained how the brine…soaked sponge conducted the juice; channelling it; turning the charge into a kind of electric bullet to the brain。 Oh yes; Percy knew exactly what he was doing。 I think I believed him later when he said I didn't know how far it would go; but that doesn't even count in the good…intentions column; does it? I don't think so。 Yet; short of screaming in front of the as