第17部分(第3/6 頁)
They were reasonably well governed without notable corruption or grandiose state projects。
novelty['nɑ:vlti]n。 新奇,新穎;新奇的事物
例句 1。 Even though some early critics thought that sound film would fade; its popularity during the First World War proved that it was more than a technical novelty。 儘管一些早期的評論家認為有聲電影會淡出人們的視線,但是從它風靡整個一戰時期來看,它不僅僅是一項技術創新。
2。 There's no denying that in those days; radio broadcasting was quite a novelty。 不可否認,在那些歲月裡,無線電廣播確實是個新鮮事物。
同義 newness(n。 新奇)
originate[?'ri?ineit]v。 起源;發起;創辦
例句 1。 To help understand why and how theater originated; anthropologists have developed lots of theories。 為了幫助理解劇院創辦的原因及方法,人類學家想出了許多理論。
2。 Less than a billion years after the Earth was formed; life originated in the early seas。 在地球形成之後不到10億年裡,生命體就在早期的海洋中出現了。
同義 initiate(v。 起源)
ornament['?:rn?m?nt]n。 裝飾(物),點綴(物)['?:rn?ment]v。 裝飾,點綴
例句 1。 The tradition of religious sculpture extends over most historical periods but is less clearly delineated than other stoneware or porcelains because it embraces the old custom of earthenware burial ceramics with later religious images and architectural ornament。 宗教雕塑的傳統遍及大部分歷史時期,但與其他的缸瓦器和陶器相比卻很少被清晰地表現,因為它遵循陶器葬品、後來的宗教形象以及建築裝飾的舊習。
2。 On the Christmas tree; ornaments are shining and sparkling。 聖誕樹上的裝飾品閃閃發光。
同義 adornment(n。 裝飾)
outline['autlain]n。 輪廓;概要 v。 描繪;略述
例句 1。 She pencilled the rough outline of the mountain in front of her house。 她用鉛筆畫出房屋前的山的輪廓圖。
2。 The course outline hasn't been prepared yet。 課程概要還沒有準備好。
同義 profile(n。 輪廓);summarization(n。 概要)
paleolithic[?p?li?'liθik]a。 舊石器時代的
例句 The fine art of the cultural period followed the Upper Paleolithic focused on portraying the kinds of animals that people of that period pref