首頁 > 遊戲競技 > The Rainbow-虹(英文版) > 第66部分

第66部分(第7/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 偶像活動之星的傳奇寒冬開局:不擇手段的活下去狐妖:你們別倒貼了,我真不敢要小巷人家,臥龍鳳雛的龍鳳胎寶寶是的,我在無限遊戲中風生水起身為提督的我居然被艦娘綁架了?崩壞,在崩壞的世界裡成為奧特曼遊戲之逆襲萌妹徵辰之路盜墓:獨屬於黑爺那一份偏愛傳奇之我隊打怪PK掉落超極品我是特種兵之火鳳凰戰心歸來仙魔錄:輪迴之主這城有良田之霸道總裁被強愛瀚文與武傑永劫:你一個富二代竟喜歡打電競哈利波特:過去歸來之人祁同偉棄政從商,沙瑞金給我敬禮還珠格格之香妃重生約戰,選我當主角?大可不必!

For a time she must just lapse。

But very shortly she found herself up against her mother。 Her

mother had; at this time; the power to irritate and madden the

girl continuously。 There were already seven children; yet Mrs。

Brangwen was again with child; the ninth she had borne。 One had

died of diphtheria in infancy。

Even this fact of her mother's pregnancy enraged the eldest

girl。 Mrs。 Brangwen was so placent; so utterly fulfilled in

her breeding。 She would not have the existence at all of

anything but the immediate; physical; mon things。 Ursula

inflamed in soul; was suffering all the anguish of youth's

reaching for some unknown ordeal; that it can't grasp; can't

even distinguish or conceive。 Maddened; she was fighting all the

darkness she was up against。 And part of this darkness was her

mother。 To limit; as her mother did; everything to the ring of

physical considerations; and placently to reject the reality

of anything else; was horrible。 Not a thing did Mrs。 Brangwen

care about; but the children; the house; and a little local

gossip。 And she would not be touched; she would let

nothing else live near her。 She went about; big with child;

slovenly; easy; having a certain lax dignity; taking her own

time; pleasing herself; always; always doing things for the

children; and feeling that she thereby fulfilled the whole of


This long trance of placent child…bearing had kept her

young and undeveloped。 She was scarcely a day older than when

Gudrun was born。 All these years nothing had happened save the

ing of the children;

