第81部分(第2/7 頁)
sideboard was fortably reduced to
normal proportions。 This was the family living…room。
Ursula had a bedroom to herself。 It was really a servants'
bedroom; small and plain。 Its window looked over the back garden
at other back gardens; some of them old and very nice; some of
them littered with packing…cases; then at the backs of the
houses whose fronts were the shops in High Street; or the
genteel homes of the under…manager or the chief cashier; facing
the chapel。
She had six weeks still before going to college。 In this time
she nervously read over some Latin and some botany; and fitfully
worked at some mathematics。 She was going into college as a
teacher; for her training。 But; having already taken her
matriculation examination; she was entered for a university
course。 At the end of a year she would sit for the Intermediate
Arts; then two years after for her B。A。 So her case was not that
of the ordinary school…teacher。 She would be working among the
private students who came only for pure education; not for mere
professional training。 She would be of the elect。
For the next three years she would be more or less dependent
on her parents again。 Her training was free。 All college fees
were paid by the government; she had moreover a few pounds grant
every year。 This would just pay for her train fares and her
clothing。 Her parents would only have to feed her。 She did not
want to cost them much。 They would not be well off。 Her father
would earn only two hundred a year; and a good deal of her
mother's capital was spent in buying the house。 Still; there was
enough to get along with。