第91部分(第3/7 頁)
g time before he came to
himself。 He was aware of an unusual motion of her breast。 He
looked up。 Her face lay like an image in the moonlight; the eyes
wide open; rigid。 But out of the eyes; slowly; there rolled a
tear; that glittered in the moonlight as it ran down her
He felt as if as the knife were being pushed into his already
dead body。 With head strained back; he watched; drawn tense; for
some minutes; watched the unaltering; rigid face like metal in
the moonlight; the fixed; unseeing eye; in which slowly the
water gathered; shook with glittering moonlight; then
surcharged; brimmed over and ran trickling; a tear with its
burden of moonlight; into the darkness; to fall in the sand。
He drew gradually away as if afraid; drew away……she did
not move。 He glanced at her……she lay the same。 Could he
break away? He turned; saw the open foreshore; clear in front of
him; and he plunged away; on and on; ever farther from the
horrible figure that lay stretched in the moonlight on the sands
with the tears gathering and travelling on the motionless;
eternal face。
He felt; if ever he must see her again; his bones must be
broken; his body crushed; obliterated for ever。 And as yet; he
had the love of his own living body。 He wandered on a long; long
way; till his brain drew dark and he was unconscious with
weariness。 Then he curled in the deepest darkness he could find;
under the sea…grass; and lay there without consciousness。
She broke from her tense cramp of agony gradually; though
each movement was a goad of heavy pain。 Gradually; she lifted
her dead body from the sands; and rose at