首頁 > 遊戲競技 > (exo同人)exo的守護天使 > 第31部分

第31部分(第2/4 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 仙魔錄:輪迴之主這城有良田之霸道總裁被強愛瀚文與武傑永劫:你一個富二代竟喜歡打電競哈利波特:過去歸來之人祁同偉棄政從商,沙瑞金給我敬禮還珠格格之香妃重生約戰,選我當主角?大可不必!天空之光海虎:龍之歸途詩魂落魄迷蹤誘爾為臣網遊:重生之網遊降臨現實之前亂七八的文影視綜清穿從夏冬春開始世界遊戲,無限進化到底是不是三國上古卷軸:龍裔記事本【五夏】摯友是你們小情侶的藉口老公喪盡天良,夫郎瘋癲入場


“Show me show me show me show me show what you got! e on e on e on e on ready or not!La…la…la…la…la…la let me see how you bop!It's on it's on it's on!”EXO和紫櫻唱,Kai和世勳還在舞臺中間默契的跳舞示威。

“Get crazy crazy crazy; take it over the top!'Cause we 'cause we 'cause when we rock we let it rock!Rock it rock it rock it; dance till we drop!It's on it's on it's on!”茱莉葉雖然人品不怎麼樣,不過她唱歌跳舞也有一定的魅力。

“Okay now are you ready? One two! One two three four!”茱莉葉隊的Rapper幫忙倒數,與Tao和Kris槓上了。

“Show stoppin' when I step in the place!Before it's done you're gonna beg me to stay!Get on board!e on; let's ride the wave。”茱莉葉每一個舞步都是針對紫櫻,她轉圈想踩到紫櫻的腳都是來攻擊紫櫻的。

“Let's go let's go!We just do what we do。 Watch me break and pop,I'll blast it for you! You wanna rock like us?'Cause we're never second place。You ready?”紫櫻反擊,撞倒茱莉葉報仇。

“Show me show me show me show me show what you got! e on e on e on e on ready or not! La…la…la…la…la…la let me see how you bop! It's on it's on it's on!” EXO和紫櫻配合的天衣無縫,而紫櫻之前給他們訓練英文也有作用了。

“Get crazy crazy crazy; take it over the top!'Cause we 'cause we 'cause when we rock we let it rock! Rock it rock it rock it; dance till we drop! It's on it's on it's on!”茱莉葉這邊反而有點吃不消,因為茱莉葉沒有想到EXO居然這麼厲害,一點都不會讓自己的風采給搶了。

“Okay now are you ready? e on!One two! One two three!”茱莉葉隊的Rapper又想要給茱莉葉打氣,可是茱莉葉明顯有點不想玩了。

“The…the…the…there is no petition。That's why we're in the number one position。”Kris看準時機攻擊。

“Your crew can't hang with us! Man we're too dangerous!”Tao也加入。

“Ain't got the style or the stamina!”燦烈也不輸他們。

“Just doin' my thing。Get hooked on my swing。”茱莉葉的Rapper還不死心,可是無奈EXO太強了。

“Rockin' the place droppin' the bass!”燦烈Rap。

“Makin' all the girls sing!”Tao附和。

“Yeah we make the bells ring!”Kris,Tao,和燦烈這三劍客讓茱

