第28部分(第4/4 頁)
4、That what it prints shall be fit reading for the youngas well as for the old(報紙的內容應老少咸宜);
5、That the newspaper's duty is to its reader sand to the public at large;and not to the private interests of its owner(報紙要對讀者和普通民眾負責,而不是對報社老闆的私利負責);
6、That pursuit of truth;the newspaper shall beprepared to make sacrifice of it smaterial for tures;if such course benecessary for the public good(只要對公眾有益,報社要準備為堅持真實報道而犧牲自己的利益);
7、That the newspaper shall not betheally of any special interest;but shall bef air and free and whole some in it soutlook on publicaf fairsa nd publicmen(報紙將不與任何特殊利益結盟,但是在報道公共事務和公眾人物的時候,要公平、自由和健全)。
第四部分 讀書(二)真理和事實——漫談翻譯與文化(2)