第6部分(第5/7 頁)
loyal customer ever since。 And of course it was nice
to see that she was so fortable in the store。
Nate began to cry as soon as it was over。 The Viagra had worn off just in time。 ?I just can?t
believe you?re going to be wearing one of these;? he murmured; extracting the skirt to one of the
suits from underneath his bare ass。
?Well; I haven?t even tried it on yet。? Serena let her head fall back; closing her enormous dark
blue eyes as Nate pressed his soggy cheek into her hair。 It was sweet and sort of feminine of him
to cry after they?d done it; and she suddenly realized she was the stronger; more ?masculine? one
in their relationship。 At least they?d finally done it。 Now they were more authentically a couple。
That?s some couple。
?I already have this yellow Tocca dress I really like; anyway。 Maybe I could bleach it or
something;? she continued distractedly。
Then Nate?s mind began to wander; too; to his final history term paper。
Talk about multitasking!
He was writing about the origins of lacrosse; but would his history teacher; Mr。 Knoeder; aka Mr。
No Dick; think it was un…PC or whatever to write about an old Native American sport without
really dealing with the politics of how the Indians had been treated in colonial times and all that?
After all; Nate was going to Yale next year toplay lacrosse; not to bee some kind of
He propped himself up on one elbow and tugged a tissue out of his navy blue canvas Jack Spade
book bag。 He?d grown accustomed to carrying tissues。
?Maybe we should have gone to Bendel?s to look for dresses instead of here;? Serena mused;
fingering the buttons on one