第98章 套取情報(第1/3 頁)
一位外國領導人驚訝地看著螢幕,用英語驚歎道:“Your weapons and the performance of your soldiers are truly outstanding! how did you manage to achieve such a high level of bat proficiency?″(你們的武器以及士兵的表現實在是太出色了!你們是如何達到如此高的作戰水平的?)
厲霆琛轉過身,臉上帶著沉穩自信的微笑,用流利的英語回答道:“this is the result of years of rigorous training and continuous technological innovation. our soldiers undergo strict selection and endure arduous training courses. meanwhile, our R & d teams are constantly striving for perfection to ensure that our weapons and equipment remain at the leading edge.″(這是多年嚴格訓練和持續技術創新的成果。我們計程車兵經過嚴格選拔,並承受艱苦的訓練課程。與此同時,我們的研發團隊也在不斷追求完美,以確保我們的武器裝備處於領先地位。)
另一位領導人欽佩地點點頭說:“both your soldiers' teamwork ability and individual capabilities are outstanding. It seems that your training methods are really effective.″(你們士兵的團隊協作能力和個人能力都很出眾。看來你們的訓練方法確實很有效。)
厲霆琛回答道:“thank you. we not only attach importance to physical strength and tactical skills, but also focus on cultivating the spirit of unity and cooperation. during the training, we often conduct team exercises to enhance the mutual understanding and trust among soldiers.″(謝謝。我們不僅注重體力和戰術技能,還注重培養團結協作的精神。在訓練中,我們經常進行團隊演練,以增強士兵之間的相互理解和信任。)
這時,又有一位領導人看似隨意地開口,眼神卻透著一絲狡黠:“Your military strategies seem to have some unique secrets. can you share a bit more about the specific details of your recent technological breakthroughs? (你們的軍事策略似乎有一些獨特的秘密。能分享一下近期技術突破的具體細節嗎?)”