第25部分(第5/6 頁)
our the Third World; now renamed ";emerging markets。";
Onscreen caption: Mark Mobius
Templeton Emerging Markets Fund
Travels to 15 countries per month
Manages 6 billion
字幕: Mark Mobius
管理 60 億美元
MARK MOBIUS; Manager; Templeton Emerging Markets Fund: The whole rationale is that these emerging countries grow faster; so what we're trying to do is capture that growth; and of course make money for investors。 But of course the risks are very great; because there's no free lunch。 If you want to capture that growth you've got to take many more risks。 So there's a balance; and of course it's our job to try and minimize the risks and maximize the returns。 It doesn't always work out that way; but that's the objective。
MARK MOBIUS; 基金經理; Templeton新興市場基金:整個理論——這些新興市場增長迅猛——所以我們正努力抓住這個增長機遇,當然也為投資者獲得回報。當然,這樣做風險也很大,因為天下沒有免費的午餐。如果你想抓住增長機遇,就要承擔更大的風險。因此,風險和投資回報之間應該有一個平衡點。當然我們的工作就是努力及小化風險並最大化投資回報。但是,這只是我們的目標,並不是所有的時候我們都能做到這一點。
NARRATOR: As investment flowed around the world; the Clinton administration expanded the trade agenda it adopted with NAFTA。 The
BILL CLINTON: I favored a very aggressive policy。 I thought the emerging countries …… both emerging economically and those that were new democracies …… had a better chance to do well economically and politically if the wealthier countries opened our borders and made trade agreements with them; and if in turn they opened their borders not only to trade; but to investment。 I thought that economic policy and traditional foreign policy would tend to merge。