第25部分(第2/6 頁)
e and threatening to move production to Mexico。 They've succeeded in bargaining down wages and opposing unions。 And so in a lot of different fronts we think that NAFTA has shifted the balance of bargaining power in the continent of North America towards multinational corporations。
THEA LEE:很明顯,貿易已經增加了,投資也增加了。如果用來衡量北美自由貿易協定的唯一標準是貿易的化,那麼它毫無疑問是極其成功的。但是,絕大部分勞動者和普通公民並不觀察貿易額。公司越來越積極地和具有威脅性地把生產轉移到墨西哥去。在降低薪水和反對工會的談判中,他們已經取得了成功。因此,在很多不同的層面上,我們認為北美自由貿易協定已經把談判力量的平衡從北美大陸轉移到了跨國公司。
NARRATOR: Since NAFTA came into effect; about 400;000 American jobs have been ";adversely affected"; by trade with Canada and Mexico; according to the ; and over the '90s; global trade nearly doubled。
。 想看書來
Chapter 5: The Global Market '3:48'
第五章 全球市場
NARRATOR: We tend to think of trade as products and goods moving across borders。 In fact; the biggest trade of all can't be seen。 It is money; the continuous; 24…hour worldwide flows of stocks; bonds; and currencies。 In the 1990s; practically anyone with savings in a pension or mutual fund became an investor in the global market。
Onscreen caption: Trade in goods and services: 8 trillion
Trade in currencies: 288 trillion
DANIEL YERGIN: I was at a dinner; a so…called thinkers' dinner at the White House before one of the State of the Union addresses; and there's this great discussion among all the people around the table about markets; about ";them out there;"; that it's somebody different。 Finally