第18部分(第4/6 頁)
s; such as from now on the government will only spend what it gets。 You get one peso; spend one peso; you get two pesos; spend two pesos。 If we don't have it; we don't spend it。 No borrowing from the Central Bank; and therefore the Central Bank did not have to print money。
胡安。卡里加(Juan Cariaga):我們並沒有採用什麼高深的經濟學理論來對付通貨膨脹,我們使用的只是一些簡單的手段,比如,從現在起政府只能量入為出,有一比索才能花一比索,有兩比索才能花兩比索,沒有就別花,不允許從中央銀行借款,所以中央銀行就不必印鈔票了。
NARRATOR: Shock therapy meant that the price of essentials …… transport; food; fuel …… all shot up。 Until then people had thought that only a military dictatorship like Chile's could impose such tough measures without tearing society apart。
DANIEL YERGIN: Bolivia may be a small country; but it had a very big impact in terms of kick…starting reform throughout Latin America。 In Brazil; a professor; who actually used to teach the dependency theory; launched a program of economic reform that looked a lot like shock therapy。
丹尼爾。尤金(Daniel Yergin):###是一個小國,但是它在作為引發整個拉丁美洲改革方面卻具有非常大的影響。在巴西,一位曾經教授依賴理論的教授,發起了一個看起來非常像休克療法的經濟改革專案。
DANIEL YERGIN: Argentina was suffering from 20;000 percent inflation and the new president of that country said; you know; we've seen this movie before。
丹尼爾。尤金(Daniel Yergin):阿根延正遭遇著20,000%的通貨膨脹率。新任總統說,你知道,我們原來從電影中看到過這種場面。
DOMINGO CAVALLO; Economy Minister; Argentina; 2001: Pro…market reforms could be implemented under a democracy; and we demonstrated that it was possible here in Argentina。
阿根廷經濟部長(2001)多明戈。卡菲羅(Domingo Cavallo):支援市場化的改革可以在民主社會中實行,我們要證明,在阿根廷也可以。
NARRATOR: All across Latin America; governments began to sit up and take notice。