第9部分(第3/6 頁)
of a normal economy ticket。 Look; I've got to give you a better deal …… I've got my name on every plane。
FREDDY LAKER:我是Freddy Laker。我擁有Laker航線,致力於降低空中旅行的費用。選擇Laker,你可以乘坐我們的道爾-10s飛機作到美國或者加拿大的往返飛行,而價格還不到正常經濟艙機票價格的一半。看,我在每架飛機上都留下了我的名字。
STEPHEN BREYER: The Transportation Department said that this may hurt Pan Am。 And Freddy Laker testified and said; ";The cause of this whole thing is 'Panamania。'"; So we said; ";What is that?"; And he said; ";Well; everybody should do everything for Pan Am。";
STEPHEN BREYER:運輸部認為這可能會損害泛美航空公司。Freddy Laker作證時說:“整件事的原因就是‘Panamania’。”我們問“那是什麼意思?";他回答說:“噢,所有的人都應該為泛美航空公司的利益服務。”
NARRATOR: The man who was to sweep away airline regulations is a lifelong Gilbert and Sullivan fan。 Improbably enough; the bearded poet is played by Fred Kahn; a professor at Cornell University。
旁白:這個將要消除航線管制的男人畢生都是吉爾伯特和沙利文迷。難以相信的是,這位留鬍子詩人的角色是由Fred Kahn-康奈爾大學的一位教授-來扮演的。
Kahn wanted a leaner; meaner regulatory environment in which the market was free to chase profits without the dead weight of bloated government。 Democratic president Jimmy Carter made Kahn head of the Civil Aeronautics Board。 Kahn had spent years studying government regulation; now he had a chance to do something about it。
ALFRED KAHN; Civil Aeronautics Board; 1977…1978: When I got to the Civil Aeronauts Board; the biggest division under me was the division of enforcement …… in effect; FBI agents who would go around and seek out secret discounts and then impose fines。 We would discipline them。 It was illegal to pete in price。 That means it was illegal to pete in the discounts you offer travel agents。 So we regulated travel ag