第14部分(第1/6 頁)
hat happened …… the collapse of a great empire。
前諾里爾斯克製造廠(Norilsk Factory)經理維拉里。科維爾什克(Valery Kovalchuk):在社會主義制度下, 人們無法正常工作,因為沒有激勵。而令人傷心的是,這是唯一可以讓我們動起來的動力。人們上班只是做做樣子混日子,他們上班時間打瞌睡,看報紙,猜字謎,而國家要繼續照常支付他們薪水,國家越來越窮,人們越來越腐化,然後整個體系破產了,這就是我們所看到的——偉大帝國的坍塌。
Chapter 4: India’s Permit Raj '3:04'
第四章: 印度的許可統治
Onscreen title: New Delhi; India
NARRATOR: Like the Soviet Union; India had used central planning to industrialize its peasant economy and conquer poverty。 Now India; like government…dominated economies all over the world; was running into difficulty。
YASHWANT SINHA; Indian Finance Minister: The government of India went into business in a big way; and they decided to control whatever was there in the private sector also as firmly and fiercely as they could。
印度財政部長YASHWANT SINHA:印度政府對經濟的滲透程度很深,政府決定要儘可能嚴格和牢固地控制私人部門的一切事務。
NARRATOR: The British raj was gone。 Now people were subjected to the ";Permit Raj;"; because everything needed a government permit。 India became a byword for red tape and bureaucracy。 Businessmen found it almost impossible to get things done。
NARAYANA MURTHY; Chairman; Infosys Technologies: It used to take us about 12 to 24 months and about 50 visits to Delhi to get a license to import a puter worth 1;500。
Infosys Technologies公司主席NARAYANA MURTHY:要進口一臺價值1500美元的計算機,通常要花費我們12到24個月的時間及大約50人次到新德里去跑批文。
NARRATOR: Since it was impossible to work with the system; people learned to work around it。
P。 CHIDAMBARAM; Indian Finance Minister; 1996…1998: