第6部分(第2/6 頁)
d to plan their economies。
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Chapter 10: India's Way '3:51'
Onscreen title: New Delhi; 1947
NARRATOR: India; the jewel in the crown of the British Empire; the very symbol of imperialism; celebrated its freedom。 Mahatma Gandhi was the father of independence。 His economic ideal was a simple India of self…sufficient villages。 Pandhit Nehru; the first prime minister; wanted to industrialize and bine British parliamentary democracy with Soviet…style central planning。
JAIRAM RAMESH; Senior Economic Advisor to India's Congress Party; 1991…1998: In the 1950s India was the Mecca of all economists。 You talk of any economist in the world; and they were advising the Indian government。 And the advice was; you must have a state…led model of industrial growth; the public sector must occupy what came to be called the manding heights of the economy。 And that's why steel; coal; machine tools; capital goods; all the areas of heavy industry were in the public sector and not in the private sector。
JAIRAM RAMESH,印度國大黨的高階經濟顧問,1991-1998年:五十年代,印度是所有經濟學家的麥加。世界各地的經濟學家都在給印度政府提建議。而建議就是必須實行政府主導的工業增長模式。公共部門必須佔領被經濟制高點。所以鋼鐵、煤炭、機械和資本貨物等所有重工業部門必須是公共部門而不能是私人部門。
NARRATOR: Nehru put his faith in technology。
MANMOHAN SINGH; Minister of Finance; 1991…1996: Nehru was a rational thinker; and he wanted to apply science and technologies to solve the great mass poverty that prevailed at the time of independence。
辛格(MANMOHAN SINGH),財政部長,1991-1996年:尼赫魯是理性的思想家。他想運用科學和技術來解決爭取國家獨立時期普遍存在的、觸目驚心的貧困問題
NARRATOR: Under Nehru;