第5部分(第4/6 頁)
NARRATOR: They met downstairs in the cocktail bar。 The room and its furniture are not much changed。
RALPH HARRIS: The whole world was shadowed by the Iron Curtain; the Russian threat; by the failure to establish democracies in the Eastern European countries and by the prevalence everywhere intellectually of these ideas of collectivism arising from the war。 The argument always was that democracy is impossible without a free economy。 You need a free economy; free economy is a necessary though not a sufficient condition for democracy。
RALPH HARRIS:整個世界都籠罩在鐵幕的陰影之下,還有俄國的威脅、在東歐國家建立民主政府的失敗以及戰時出現的集體主義思想的流行。爭論總是圍繞沒有自由經濟是否也可能有民主政府而展開。你需要自由經濟;自由經濟是民主的必要而非充分條件。
NARRATOR: The debates were passionate。 At one point; Hayek's former mentor; Ludwig von Mises; stormed out of a meeting。
旁白:人們充滿熱情地展開辯論。有一次,哈耶克以前的導師-Ludwig von Mises-怒氣衝衝地離開了會場。
MILTON FRIEDMAN: In the middle of a debate on the subject of distribution of ine; in which you had people who you would hardly call socialist or egalitarian; people like myself; Mises got up and said; ";You're all a bunch of socialists;"; and walked right out of the room。 (laughs)
NARRATOR: But Hayek told the meeting that they had one great lesson to learn from the socialists。
RALPH HARRIS: Hayek paid enormous tribute to the socialist intellectuals and said that the great strength of the socialists is that they had the courage; he said; to be idealistic; to have a theory; to have a project; to have a vision; and to go on working towards that; through thick and thin。
RALPH HARRIS:哈耶克極力讚揚信仰社會主義的知識