第5部分(第2/6 頁)
"; in which newly nationalized industries coexisted with private enterprise。 Now government…owned industries like coal; rail; and steel no longer enriched owners and shareholders; but worked for the mon good。
TONY BENN: So it was an act of regeneration; of renewal。 That was the hope; and it was the hope that gave us the welfare state; gave us the National Health Service; gave us full employment; gave us trade union rights; really rebuilt the country from the bottom up。
TONY BENN:因此這是一個重建和更新的行動。它是一個希望,一個建立福利國家的希望。它讓我們擁有國民醫療服務制度、充分就業和工會權利;真正將國家從底向上重建了。
NARRATOR: The welfare state provided care; free of charge; ";from womb to tomb。"; Nobody; rich or poor; would need to fear poverty; ignorance; unemployment; ill health; or old age。
TONY BENN: And people said; ";This is better than allowing a lot of gamblers to run the world; where they're not interested in us; but only in profit。";
TONY BENN:人們說:“這比讓許多賭徒掌管世界要好。這些賭徒不關心我們,他們只對利潤有興趣。”
NARRATOR: Russia ended the war as a military and industrial giant。 With the Red Army and the Secret Police; Stalin imposed his economic system on half of Europe。
JEFFREY SACHS: The planned economy of Lenin and Stalin had defeated fascism。 Scientific socialism seemed to be in the ascendancy。
NARRATOR: Socialism was on the march; capitalism and free markets were on the retreat。
JEFFREY SACHS: So about one…third of the world adopted socialism; sometimes t