第12部分(第2/7 頁)
horsemen on the scene led to a rewriting of the history of China; from the Jin and Southern Song on。 So too the his—tories of Central Asia; Persia; Russia; and India。 Gunpowder; invented in China; was introduced to the West by Mongol hordes as they cut their murderous swath through Europe and Asia; bringing down the castle of feudalism in the West and sweeping away all obstacles to the emerging system of capitalism。 Gunpowder then made its way back to the East; where it blew open the door to China and; ultimately; ended the reign of the Mongol horsemen and turned the whole world upside down。 But the historical impact of wolves has been written off by histo—rians。 If Tengger had recorded events; wolves on the Mongolian grass—lands would have had their place in the annals of history。”
Gao Jianzhong; the cowherd; could not contain his excitement over the arrival of the largesse。 “What are you two doing; dredging up the ancient past? Our first priority ought to be to dig all the gazelles out of the snowbank and get rich。”
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狼圖騰(英文版) 4(8)
Chen Zhen said; “Heaven keeps its eye out for the wolves; and we should be grateful for this cartload of gazelles。 The blizzard will blow for three days at least; adding a couple of feet or more to the snowbank and filling in the depressions。 Looking for gazelles in that would be like searching for a needle in a haystack。”
Gao walked out of the yurt and looked up at the sky。 “It’s really going to blow for three days;” he said when he was back inside。 “I should have been there today。 Damned if I wouldn’t have planted poles in the largest depressions。” He sighed。 “I guess I’ll have to wait till spring。 But then I’ll go out; fi ll up a cart; and personally take it to the purchasing station at the B