第31部分(第6/7 頁)
the town? They came here day before yesterday。〃
〃They are not at the hotel。〃
〃They are nurses。〃
〃I have seen two nurses。 Wait a minute; I will find out where they are。〃
〃One of them is my wife;〃 I said。 〃I have e here to meet her。〃
〃The other is my wife。〃
〃I am not joking。〃
〃Pardon my stupid joke;〃 he said。 〃I did not understand。〃 He went away and was gone quite a little while。 I ate olives; salted almonds and potato chips and looked at myself in civilian clothes in the mirror behind the bar。 The bartender came back。 〃They are at the little hotel near the station;〃 he said。
〃How about some sandwiches?〃
〃I'll ring for some。 You understand there is nothing here; now there are no people。〃
〃Isn't there really any one at all?〃
〃Yes。 There are a few people。〃
The sandwiches came and I ate three and drank a couple more martinis。 I had never tasted anything so cool and clean。 They made me feel civilized。 I had had too much red wine; bread; cheese; bad coffee and grappa。 I sat on the high stool before the pleasant mahogany; the brass and the mirrors and did not think at all。 The barman asked me some question。
〃Don't talk about the war;〃 I said。 The war was a long way away。 Maybe there wasn't any war。 There was no war here。 Then I realized it was over for me。 But I did not have the feeling that it was really over。 I had the feeling of a boy who thinks of what is happening at a certain hour at the schoolhouse from which he has played truant。
Catherine and Helen Ferguson were at supper when I came to their hotel。 Standing in the hallway I saw them at table。 Catherine's face was away from me and I saw the line of her hair and her cheek and her lovely neck and shoulders。 Ferguson was talk