第26部分(第6/7 頁)
iled brush for the wheels to catch。 We were ready to start and Aymo got up on the seat and started the car。 The wheels spun and we pushed and pushed。 But it wasn't any use。
〃It's ……ed;〃 I said。 〃Is there anything you want in the car; Barto?〃
Aymo climbed up with Bonello; carrying the cheese and two bottles of wine and his cape。 Bonello; sitting behind the wheel; was looking through the pockets of the sergeant's coat。
〃Better throw the coat away;〃 I said。 〃What about Barto's virgins?〃
〃They can get in the back;〃 Piani said。 〃I don't think we are going far。〃
I opened the back door of the ambulance。
〃e on;〃 I said。 〃Get in。〃 The two girls climbed in and sat in the corner。 They seemed to have taken no notice of the shooting。 I looked back up the road。 The sergeant lay in his dirty long…sleeved underwear。 I got up with Piani and we started。 We were going to try to cross the field。 When the road entered the field I got down and walked ahead。 If we could get across; there was a road on the other side。 We could not get across。 It was too soft and muddy for the cars。 When they were finally and pletely stalled; the wheels dug in to the hubs; we left them in the field and started on foot for Udine。
When we came to the road which led back toward the main highway I pointed down it to the two girls。
〃Go down there;〃 I said。 〃You'll meet people。〃 They looked at me。 I took out my pocket…book and gave them each a ten…lira note。 〃Go down there;〃 I said; pointing。 〃Friends! Family!〃
They did not understand but they held the money tightly and started down the road。 They looked back as though they were afraid I might take the money back。 I watched them go down the road; their shawls close around them; looking back apprehensively