第16部分(第5/6 頁)
e morning while I’m getting ready for work。 Although I am not in front of the TV; I am listening to it。 One morning I heard a newscaster reporting about a young girl named Alexis; and I immediately went to the TV to see if she was talking about my Alexis from the blood bank。 She was。
Alexis had lost her battle with cancer; and my heart broke。 As I sat with tears running down my face; I listened to Alexis’s story; and the legacy6 she left behind。 I wasn’t surprised to hear what an extraordinary child Alexis was; because I saw it in her eyes when I saw her photograph at the blood bank。 She had the most angelic face; and a smile that was so full of joy and courage; that she endeared herself to me instantly。
It was no coincidence that I learned of Alexis’s life and death that morning。 She was an angel now; and she saw the big picture; and knew it was important for me to know that what I was doing by giving blood may not seem like a big thing to me; but it was to her; and it is to all the children who are still fighting the fight like she did。
I never met this wonderful child; never touched her; but she surely touched me。 Her spirit went right to my soft spot; and I will never forget her。 I like to think she is a great friend to my daughter on the other side; and they are happy; healthy; laughing and playing like little girls should。
My therapist is always telling me that even though I do something that doesn’t take much of my time; effort or money; it doesn’t mean that what I do has no value。 Every little thing we do to help another has value to the one who needs it; so I encourage you all to do what you can。 A dollar here; a dollar there; a minute here; a minute there; a gesture here; a gesture there will all add up。