第11部分(第6/7 頁)
and right then she knew as surely as she?d ever known anything thatshe loved Nate。 And now that
he was standing right in front of her with her on…again…off…again best friend; she knew it was really
true。 She loved Nate with her entire heart。 It was something she?d always known; deep down。
Why hadn?t she done anything about it until it was too late?
She shook her long blond locks; trying to remember to act like a normal friend and not a
love…struck freak。 She jumped to her feet and ran across the room; her fuchsia flowered Calypso
flip…flops thwacking all the way; and threw her arms around Blair; squeezing tightly。 All at once
Serena felt suffocated by the scent of Nate?s Right Guard deodorant clinging to her best friend?s
skin。 She pulled back; looking hopefully at Blair; who was still latched onto Nate?s hand。 ?I
missed you。? But Blair wasn?t smiling back。 In fact; she looked less than pleased to see
Serena?she looked downright pissed。 Serena began to gnaw on her Sephora Supernova…polished
thumbnail。 Blair could be so scary sometimes。 Hadshe found the letter? Oh God。Why hadn?t she
thought of that before?
As she wrapped her arms again around Blair?s rigid; sun…baked body; she couldn?t help looking
over Blair?s shoulder at Nate。 His golden…brown hair was wavier than usual from the salt water。 It
fell across his tanned forehead and he pushed it away; smiling widely as they made eye contact。
His lips looked chapped and swollen; like he?d been making out with Blair all night long?which
he probably had been。 The thought nearly made her choke。
?Looking good; Natie;? Serena sighed wistfully; unable to keep the words from escaping her lips。