首頁 > 遊戲競技 > gossip girl 11 英文 > 第16部分

第16部分(第6/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 趣談百家姓一城煙雨一層紗主業抓鬼,副業找個霸總談戀愛?智慧的明燈與心靈的指引盜墓:吾以血軀,護爾等一世安快穿:清冷宿主在小世界爽翻了!帶飛科比後,我將詹庫杜打到報團蓮花樓之我帶花花去修仙網遊:開局窮的只有新手木劍修仙女主在驚悚遊戲裡擺攤算命重生後元帥總是在崩人設老婆他太寵我碟戰,我能分辨日碟快穿之渣男不好當我真沒想重生啊:又重生了!【綜漫】我不是XXX惡作劇之吻續寫三部來襲列車求生:別跟我比運氣謝謝開局無盡冬日,我靠盲盒闖天下創造精靈世界

ightly; and saw

Nate underwater right in front of her; his green eyes wide open too。 His hair was standing straight

up; and he waved his hand; a liquid ?hello? escaping his lips with a rush of bubbles。

She giggled; nearly choking; and suddenly thought of the games of Marco Polo she and Nate and

Blair had played when they were younger。 Nate would always cheat; shouting ?Marco!? and then

opening his eyes for a moment to see where they were。 Then he?d grab the girls with huge

splashing lunges; pretending he?d just found them by accident。 Nate never seemed to care which

girl he caught; he?d just grab whomever was in front of him and held on。 Serena closed her eyes;

the sting of the chlorine now too much to bear; and shot up to the surface。

Nate sidestroked into the shallow end and hopped up onto the edge of the pool; letting his legs

dangle in the water。 Serena looked so peaceful floating on her back in the calm water; her blond

hair forming a halo around her head; an angelic smile on her face。Being with Serena was so much

less stressful than being with Blair。 Immediately he thought of his last; highly stressful interaction

with Blair; whom he?d been avoiding since the day before yesterday; when she?d thrown her

shoes at him。

Blair had left him hundreds of voice mails; but Nate thought he should wait to speak with her

until she?d had a little more time to cool off。

Just not in this particular pool。

He knew that Blair was angry; but he also knew that she?d eventually forgive him; just like she

always did。 He could still visit her at Yale on the weekends。 And Serena would be here with him in

New York。 He?d always thought he?d have to choo

