第37部分(第4/7 頁)
s if she?d been crying or rubbing her eyes like crazy。 ?I have a
fucked…up story to tell you guys。? She flung her orange bag down on the floor and took a deep
breath; her eyes rolling around dramatically; milking the moment for all it was worth。 ?As it turns
out; my totally boring; Mr。 Lawyer father; Harold Waldorf; Esquire; is like totally having an affair。
Only moments ago; I caught him asking some random babe; ?If I was a wine; how would you
describe my bouquet?? and they were; like; totally hiding in his closet。? She clapped her hand over
her mouth; as if to keep the words in。
Or her breakfast。
?Whoa;? Serena and Nate responded in unison。
?He just sounded so 。 。 。 slimy;? Blair wailed through her fingers。
Serena knew this might be even grosser; but she just had to get it out there。 ?Well; maybe he was
just having phone sex with your mom。? ?Sure;? Nate agreed。 ?My parents do that all the time;? he
added; feeling a little sick as he said it。 His navy admiral dad was so uptight he probably wouldn?t
have phone sex for fear of being court…marshaled。
Blair grimaced。 The idea of her tennis…toned…but…still…plump; St。 Barts…tanned;
gold…jewelry…loving mom having any kind of sex; let alone cabernet phone sex; with her skinny;
preppy; argyle…socks…wearing dad; was so unlikely and so pletely icky she refused to even
think about it。
?No;? she insisted; wolfing down the uneaten half of Serena?s Pop…Tart。 ?It was definitely
another woman。 I mean; face it;? she said; still chewing; ?Dad is totally hot and dresses really well;
and he?s an important lawyer and everything。 And my mom is totally insane and doesn?t really do
anything and she