第33部分(第5/7 頁)
on her fingers; ?One; two 。 。 。? she
muttered distractedly; ?four beds total?? She grabbed Eleanor?s arm for emphasis as she spoke。 ?I
know theperfect family for this apartment?they have the most gorgeous triplets!?
Blair stared at her mother in horror as she cooed appreciatively at Diana。Triplets? She was being
forced out of the only home she?d ever known so a bunch of test…tube infertility treatment triplet
fuckfaces could slobber and vomit all over it?
?The Carlyles?do you know them?? Diana asked。 ?Edie Carlyle? I believe she grew up in the city
as well。? ?Oh my goodness; of course!? Eleanor squealed。 ?I attended Constance with Edie。
Where has shebeen ? I haven?t see her since; well 。 。 。 it must have been seventeen years ago!?
Blair jumped off her bed and pushed past her mother and the broker standing in the doorway。 Who
cared if Nate was busy? Fuck busy。 Wasn?t he supposed to be there for her in her time of need?
She was his girlfriend; and he was going to pay attention to her?whether he liked it or not。
She fumed all the way down in the elevator and into the bright Saturday afternoon; replaying the
scene over and over in her mind as she marched determinedly toward Nate?s house。 Triplets。
Living inher house?some annoyingly perfect family taking over her space? She stomped along in
her new D&G coral ballet flats as cabs rushed by in the street。 As she turned away from the park;
she remembered how when she and Nate first got together; they?d meet in Sheep Meadow after
school and make out for hours; lying in the grass。 Maybe she?d yank him away from whatever the
hell he was doing and they could go over to Sheep Meadow and repeat history。