第27部分(第3/7 頁)
?You two could help; you know;? Jenny mented; throwing an army green duffel bag in the
trunk and wiping the droplets of sweat from her eyes with the back of her hand。
Rufus crossed his arms over his chest。 ?Why do you think we had you two? Free labor!? He and
Jeanette burst into peals of laughter。
?Oh; Rufus;? Jeanette moaned; posing herself; a note of sadness creeping into her
voice。 ?Our baby?s all grown up!? She flew at Dan; the sleeves of her kimono flapping in the
breeze like wings; and Dan opened his arms; resting his head against his mother?s shoulder。
Looking around; Dan realized that this would be the last time that his family would be all
together?for God knew how long。 He was off to college today; and tonight his mom was flying
back to Prague and her boyfriend; Count Dracula。 Tears welled up in his eyes and he blinked them
back。 His mom patted him on the back like she was trying to burp him。 ?Sweetie;? she whispered
in his ear; ?I know you and Vanessa are back together; and I just wanted to let you know that it?s
okay?I still love you; even though you?re straight;? she sniffed。 ?You?re my baby boy; and I just
want you to be happy。? Dan just shook his head。 Why his mother wanted a gay son so badly was
beyond him。 But if his brief venture into homosexuality had finally brought her back to visit; he
couldn?t really plain。
?It?s okay; Mom;? he said between thumps on his back。 ?Just remember next time you send a gift
that I?m a men?s medium; not a kids? size four; and I?m sort of not into pink spandex anymore。?
?Well; Dan。? Rufus appeared at Dan?s side smelling like curry and enveloped his son in a huge;
hulking bear hug。 ?It