首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 不許後退:狙擊關東軍 > 第46部分

第46部分(第3/5 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 穿越戀歌:上官與夏侯【HP】布萊克家族莫名其妙的異世界冒險英雄聯盟之玩家對戰強勢文化手冊特種兵張霄回村搞大事,被女學霸懂不懂ADCarry的含金量穿越王者:聊天室裡的英雄傳奇四合院之剝奪一切暗區突圍之黑金指揮官當原神照進現實家養輔助投餵指南[電競]殺神快跑,你物件玩狙的在平行世界的她們很幸福四大名捕破案系列!穿海:海上建堡壘,戰四海八荒火影之星落塵世CS2:變妹後站上世界之巔LOL,開掛的我,針對就有用?邊緣機械師

d us to victory。 We shall be back home for Christmas。 How are you going to go about finding the Russians?” Asked by Boris。

Koning answered; “I'll fix it so that they’re the ones who find me。”

City of Stalingrad。

The city was burning; no one can imagine how beautiful it was before the war; but now; it became the hellish。

The Tractor Factory; September 21st 1942。

“Look; Vassili; he is over there; second floor; the forth window from the left。” Anton was searching the major when Vassili came

“Forth window; from the left…” Vassili used his rifle to look for the enemy。

“He killed 9 today; five officers; three machinegun officers and a telephone guy。 See him?”

“Yeah; I see him。”

Vassili quickly entered the triangle when he saw the major; suddenly; a helmet fell into the floor。

“Great shot! Let go to get his dog tag。”

“All right; Ludmilla; we go; you stay here。”

Anton raised his head to allow the decision。

They crossed the fell plane lying on the centre of the road; on the opposite side; the German was attacking on the defense of the Soviet Union。

The major wasn’t dead; he is looking for the Russian sniper through the broken window。 He found out the enemy when there was an explosion。 Quickly; he killed Anton。

“Ludmilla; check the stairway!” Shouted by Vassili。

Ludmilla went upstairs; hid behind the door; and g*e a gesture to Vassili。

Vassili quickly moved around the stairs。

The major began to relocate; he found the uniform shelves and hid behind it。

Ludmilla ran to the broken window; slowed down; and had a look at the window which shoot by Vassili。

She was surprised; it was a trap!

Vassili felt dangerous when he realized they got int

