第8部分(第1/6 頁)
如果在寫作過程中我破產了,我決定也不將系列劇本中的任何一本拿出來,除非我至少有三四部劇本已經脫稿,更多的劇本已經有了初稿。這樣做對我來說是必要的,因為,我所重視的當然是這項工作作為一個整體,而不是它的各個部分,這對於將整個系列劇搬上舞臺也一樣重要。“蓋爾德劇團”計劃上演好幾部戲作為事業的開始,因為他們為了演出這個系列劇而打算組織一個專門的演出團。而且,從現在開始要花三四年時間來敲定男女演員。在如今有聲電影對演員造成巨大誘惑的情況下,你得拿出好幾部劇本,讓他們看看某些片段,這樣才會有利於他們籤協議。如果只有一兩個劇本,含糊地敷衍別人說劇本的精彩部分還沒有寫好,那麼,不論作者是誰,你都不會獲得成功。我的計劃是每個季度寫兩個劇本,我想這在以前已經告訴過你了。書包 網 。 想看書來
Eugene O'Neill
June 20th 1936
Dear Eugene;
It was good to get your letter。 I would have written you; only you said in your wire you were writing; so I waited to learn all the details of your good news。 And it sure is good news! But; as I wired you; I was by no means astonished; or anything like that; that you had done so nobly; for your somber premonitions had not impressed me as being liable to coincide with the facts when they appeared。 I know such dreary forebodings too damned well。 They are the familiar spirits of this branch of the O'Neills— one of the baneful heritages you get from me; I'm afraid。 I've been enjoying more than my usual share of them lately; too; what with this Cycle of plays stretching out into a future of seemingly endless hard labor。 It looks now as if there would have to be still another play— a ninth which will carry me back to 1770 as a starter。
What you write about the exams is damned interesting and I am glad you told me so much about the oral。 Of course; I knew there was one; but had no idea it was such a formidable inqu